Privacy Policy

DIAZERO CONSULTORIA EM SEGURANÇA ONLINE LTDA, a legal entity registered under CNPJ number 24.049.760/0001-51, headquartered in São Paulo/SP ("DIAZERO SECURITY"), understands the sensitive and relevant nature of the electronic records and personal data provided by you ("User") when using the website This Privacy Policy ("Policy") aims to regulate, in a simple, transparent, and objective manner, which data and information will be collected, as well as when they may be used.

The database formed through data collection on FALE COM A DIAZERO is our property and responsibility, and its use, access, and sharing, when necessary, will be carried out within the limits and purposes of our business and as described in this Privacy Policy.


Data is collected when the USER voluntarily inputs or submits it while accessing and interacting with the functionalities available on this website, which include:

Data TypePersonal DataPurpose of Data Usage
Contact Information
  • Full Name;
  • Email;
  • Phone Number;
  • Respond to user inquiries and information requests;
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory obligations;
Digital Identification Data
  • IP Adress;
  • Records of interactions with this website;
  • Accessed screens, device (operating system version, Geolocation);
  • Installed applications, if necessary;
  • Session ID;
  • Cookies;
  • Fulfillment of obligations established by the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet - Law 12.965/2014;
  • Identify the user;
  • Evaluate the use and usefulness of the services we provide;
  • Statistical and security purposes;
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory obligations;
Data for Sending Responses
  • Email.
  • Sending responses to inquiries.

We are not responsible for the accuracy, truthfulness, or lack thereof in the information provided by the USER to DIAZERO SECURITY or for its outdatedness, when it is their responsibility to provide or update it accurately.

All technologies used will always comply with current legislation and the terms of this Privacy Policy.

The consent that the USER provides for the purposes of data usage is collected individually, clearly, specifically, and legitimately.

Through the customer service channel FALE COM A DIAZERO, you can change your consent grants for the processing of your data, grant new permissions, or withdraw your consent for current permissions, being informed of the consequences that the withdrawal of consent may cause.

The collected data and recorded activities may also be shared:

a) With competent judicial, administrative, or governmental authorities, whenever there is a legal determination, requirement, request, or court order;
b) Automatically in the event of corporate transactions, such as mergers, acquisitions, and incorporations.

Personal identification information will not be sold or rented by DIAZERO SECURITY.

Internally, the data we collect is only accessed by duly authorized professionals, respecting the principles of proportionality, necessity, and relevance to the objectives of FALE COM A DIAZERO, as well as the commitment to confidentiality and preservation of privacy under the terms of this Privacy Policy.


The collected data and activity records will be stored in a secure and controlled environment for the minimum period stipulated according to the table below:

Personal DataStorage PeriodLegal Basis
Contact Information6 monthsArticle 15, Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet
Data for Sending ResponsesIndefiniteArticle 8, §5, LGPD

The information collected by DIAZERO SECURITY through FALE COM A DIAZERO will be automatically deleted from its servers when they cease to be useful for the purposes for which they were collected, or when the user requests the deletion of their personal data.

Without prejudice, the information may be retained to comply with legal or regulatory obligations, transferred to a third party - provided that data processing requirements are respected - and used exclusively by DIAZERO SECURITY, with access by third parties prohibited, provided that the data is anonymized.

If there is a USER request, the data may be deleted before this period. However, it may be necessary to keep the data for a longer period due to law, court order, fraud prevention (Article 11, II, "a" of the General Data Protection Law "LGPD", Law No. 13,709/2018), credit protection (Article 7, X, LGPD), and other legitimate interests, in accordance with Article 10 of the LGPD. Once the period and legal need have expired, they will be deleted using secure disposal methods, or used in anonymized form for statistical purposes.

It may be necessary for DIAZERO SECURITY to transmit your personal data to an external service provider, which may also be located outside of Brazil.


DIAZERO SECURITY will store the information collected through FALE COM A DIAZERO on its own servers or those contracted by it.

DIAZERO SECURITY employs reasonable market and legally required means to preserve the privacy of the data collected on its Pages. Therefore, it adopts the following precautions, in compliance with the guidelines on security standards established in Decree No. 8,771/2016, such as:

(i) DIAZERO SECURITY uses standard and market methods to encrypt and anonymize the collected data;
(ii) DIAZERO SECURITY has protection against unauthorized access to its systems;
(iii) DIAZERO SECURITY only authorizes access by previously established individuals to the location where the collected information is stored;
(iv) Those who come into contact with the information must commit to maintaining absolute confidentiality. Breach of confidentiality will result in civil liability, and the responsible party will be held accountable in accordance with Brazilian law; and
(v) Maintenance of inventory indicating the moment, duration, identity of the employee or person responsible for access, and the object file, based on connection and application access records, as determined in Article 13 of Decree No. 8,771/2016.

DIAZERO SECURITY makes the best efforts to preserve the privacy of user data. However, no website is entirely secure, and DIAZERO SECURITY cannot guarantee fully that all information transmitted on the Page will not be subject to unauthorized access perpetrated through methods developed to obtain information improperly. For this reason, we encourage users to take appropriate measures to protect themselves, such as keeping all their data confidential.

In the event of security incidents that may pose a relevant risk or damage to the USER, we will notify the affected parties and the National Data Protection Authority - ANPD about the incident, in accordance with the provisions of Law 13,709/2018.


The USER can request the display or rectification of their personal data through the following channels:

(i) CONTACT: accessible through this;
(ii) SAC (Customer Service): accessible via the following email address: [email protected] or by phone (11) 4949-9510;

In compliance with applicable regulations regarding the processing of personal data, DIAZERO SECURITY respects and guarantees to the User the possibility of submitting requests based on the following rights:

(i) confirmation of the existence of processing;
(ii) access to the data;
(iii) correction of incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data;
(iv) anonymization, blocking, or deletion of unnecessary, excessive, or processed data in non-compliance;
(v) portability of their data to another service or product provider, upon express request by the User;
(vi) deletion of data processed with the User's consent;
(vii) obtaining information about public or private entities with which DIAZERO SECURITY has shared their data;
(viii) information about the possibility of not providing consent, as well as being informed about the consequences in case of denial;
(ix) revocation of consent.

Changes will depend on the submission of a request for subsequent evaluation and adoption of further measures by DIAZERO SECURITY.
If the User requires any assistance in exercising their rights, they can contact DIAZERO SECURITY, as instructed in this Policy. The User is aware that the deletion of essential information for FALE COM A DIAZERO with DIAZERO SECURITY will result in the termination of their registration, with consequent cancellation of the services then provided.

DIAZERO SECURITY will make every effort to respond to such requests as quickly as possible. However, even in the case of a deletion request, the minimum storage period for user information on Internet applications, as determined by Brazilian law, will be respected.

If the USER withdraws their consent for purposes fundamental to the regular functioning of FALE COM A DIAZERO, services and functionalities may become unavailable.

For audit, security, fraud control, and rights preservation purposes, we may retain the USER's data record history for a longer period in cases where the law or regulatory norm so establishes or for rights preservation.


To facilitate the use of the website, "Cookies" are used. Cookies are small data units stored on your computer's hard drive by your browser and are necessary for the use of the website

Cookies allow the website to function properly and also serve for analysis, segmentation, and personalization of your experience. They do not store personal data or collect personally identifiable information.

Online Behavioral Advertising Cookies

DIAZERO SECURITY reserves the right to use information obtained through Cookies from an analysis of the usage behavior of visitors to the website in order to display specific advertising for some of our products. DIAZERO SECURITY believes that this action benefits the USER because it displays content or advertising that DIAZERO SECURITY believes corresponds to the USER's interests - based on their browsing behavior, as they will see less randomly displayed advertising and less content that is not of interest to them.

How to prevent cookies from being stored on your hard drive and/or delete them

Most Internet browsers are set to automatically accept Cookies. The USER can change the settings to block the use of Cookies or alert them when a Cookie is being sent to their device.

After authorizing the use of Cookies, the USER can always disable part or all of our Cookies.

All browsers allow the user to accept, refuse, or delete Cookies, including through selecting the appropriate settings in their browser's "options" or "preferences" menu.

Please note that by disabling cookies, you may prevent some web services from working correctly, partially or totally affecting navigation on the website.

Cookies used and their purposes.

Google Analytics:

A web analysis service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses a specific form of "Cookies," namely text files, which are stored on your computer and allow the analysis of your use of the site. The information generated by the Cookie about your use of the website will be transmitted to and stored on a Google server in the United States. DIAZERO SECURITY emphasizes that Google Analytics has been expanded on its website to include the code "gat._anonymizeIp ();" to ensure the anonymous recording of IP addresses (so-called IP masking). Due to the anonymization of the IP on this site, the USER's IP address is shortened by Google within the European Union territory and the European Economic Area Treaty. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and then abbreviated there.

Google uses this information on behalf of DIAZERO SECURITY to analyze the USER's use of its website, in order to compile reports on website activity and provide additional services related to its use and Internet usage to the website operator. The IP address transmitted to Google Analytics by the USER's browser is not consolidated with other Google data. The USER can prevent the storage of Cookies through the appropriate setting of their browsing software. Additionally, the USER can prevent Google from recording and processing data generated by Cookies and related to the use of the website (including IP address) by downloading and installing the plug-in available at the link and additional information on terms of use and data protection at or

RD Station Marketing:

RD Station Marketing makes use of cookies on the browsers used by users to visit websites and landing pages. This allows monitoring behaviors and optimizing the browsing experience.

RD can use the following cookies, as set forth on its website

  • Strictly necessary cookies: These are essential to offer basic functionalities while the user navigates the website. Without these cookies, the experience and navigation may be impaired.
  • Functional cookies: These are used to provide a more personalized experience on the pages. Functional cookies remember the choices that visitors make when browsing the site, eliminating the need to fill in the same information multiple times. For example, when a visitor fills out a form on a website, a cookie is saved in their browser containing the entered data. Thus, when they access the same website again, this information will already be pre-filled.
  • Performance analysis cookies: Performance analysis cookies help collect information, monitor events, and analyze traffic on pages, as well as identify the origin and understand the behavior of visitors. The information collected by these cookies is mainly used in aggregate form to assist us in analyzing website performance results.


We do not use any type of automated decision-making that impacts the USER.

We reserve the right to change the content of this Privacy Policy at any time, as necessary or for compliance with legal provisions of laws or regulations that have equivalent legal force, and it is the USER's responsibility to verify it whenever accessing the DIAZERO SECURITY website.

In the event of updates to this document that require new consent collection, notifications will be sent through the contacts provided during registration.

If you have any questions regarding the provisions of this Privacy Policy, the USER may contact us through the following channels:

(i) CONTACT: accessible through this;
(ii) SAC (Customer Service): accessible via the following email address: [email protected] or by phone (11) 4949-9519;

If third-party companies process any data we collect, they must comply with the conditions stipulated here and our Information Security policies, obligatorily.

If any provision of this Privacy Policy is deemed illegal or illegitimate by the authority of the locality in which you reside or connect to the Internet, the remaining conditions will remain in full force and effect.

The USER acknowledges that all communication made via email (to the addresses provided in their registration) or any other digital, virtual, and digital form is also valid, effective, and sufficient for the disclosure of any matter related to the services we provide, as well as the conditions of their provision or any other matter addressed therein, except for provisions expressly provided differently in this Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy shall be governed and construed in accordance with Brazilian law, in the Portuguese language, with the Court of the USER's domicile elected as the forum to settle any dispute or controversy involving this document, especially Law No. 13,709/2018, regardless of the laws of other states or countries, except for specific reservation of personal, territorial, or functional competence by applicable law.


In addition to the contacts provided above, DIAZERO SECURITY provides the contact information for the Data Protection Officer: Yubin Kang, email: [email protected]

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or about the personal data we process, you can contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO).

Updated 07/05/2024